Monday, 31 Mar 2025

What Are the Benefits of a Gluten Free Prescription?

What Are the Benefits of a Gluten Free Prescription?

Once a person has been diagnosed with coeliac disease, they must begin to live life gluten-free, completely removing gluten from their diet. This means looking for gluten free ingredients and using those within cooking and baking. To ingest gluten can cause a flare up of symptoms, but more importantly may damage the gut, leading to longer term consequences, so it is vital that they look for ingredients and produce that are gluten-free. There are different ways to approach this change in diet and lifestyle, including ordering gluten free foods on prescription for those people who qualify for it.

Great way to make change to gluten-free diet

Gluten free food on prescription is a fantastic way for those people who have been diagnosed as coeliac to adhere to a new lifestyle and a new diet. This can be especially important at the very beginning, just after diagnosis, where people might not be used to looking for and finding gluten-free products. As with any other diagnosis, all the help and advice that a person can gather will go a long way to helping them stick to a new routine

Guaranteed gluten free food

Gluten-free prescriptions have been available for many years, but their necessity certainly came into focus during the lockdowns of Covid-19, when it became difficult for people to find regular, everyday items. In some cases, for example, gluten-free pasta was being bought up by those shoppers who might not even need it, because it was difficult to buy any type of produce.

Reduction in stress and anxiety

The lockdown was a time where gluten-free prescriptions helped like never before, and the reliability of this service continues. It ensures that there is a reduction in stress and anxiety for those people who are searching for gluten-free foods, as it gives them that staple supply of goods.

A safe supply of gluten free ingredients

A prescription for gluten-free products is a separate, guaranteed supply of gluten-free products that are safe for use. It gives coeliacs the peace of mind that the products provided on prescription are 100% gluten-free and that there will always be stock to access.

How many gluten-free items are you entitled to with a prescription?

Gluten-free food provided on prescription is measured in units. There are different qualifying factors for coeliacs, that range from age, gender, and the part of the UK they are located, that will determine the number of units that each person is entitled to, as a monthly allowance. Within these units, there is a choice of different types of products, meaning that people can mix and match to add up a total amount of units within a personal allowance.

For those people who are coeliac and required to eat a diet free of gluten, they need to completely change their lifestyle after diagnosis has been confirmed. There is a much wider selection of gluten-free products and gluten-free ingredients in supermarkets and everyday shops these days,  that help people to find what they need as a coeliac. It is also very helpful to seek advice and assistance where it is offered. If a person qualifies for gluten free prescriptions it is a fantastic way to find products and ingredients that are completely safe to cook with and to eat, which can be hugely beneficial, especially at the very early stages of a person being diagnosed coeliac.